平成23(2011)年度 学会賞(木本賞)・奨励賞

足利 栄仁
Impact of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 on Lipids and Atherosclerosis in Hemodialysis Patients.
-Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 14 (3): 315-322, 2010

駒場 大峰 (東海大学医学部付属病院腎内分泌代謝内科)
Depressed expression of Klotho and FGF receptor 1 in hyperplastic parathyroid glands from uremic patients.
-Kidney International 77(3): 232-238, 2010


寺脇 博之
The Redox State of Albumin and Serious Cardiovascular Incidence in Hemodialysis Patients.
-Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 14 (5): 465-471, 2010